When setting up single sign on for an Oracle Application Server instance, I need to run the osso1013 script, and I could not recall its location, so for future reference it is:$ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/osso1013where $ORACLE_HOME is the location of the Oracle Application Server installation
Update These instructions are obsolete! Oracle JDBC Jars are published to the Maven central repo, no need to install manually.
If a jar is not available from a public repository (for example, Oracle JDBC jars), then you can get Maven to manually install a copy of the jar in the local repository. To manually deploy the Oracle JDBC driver to your local repository type the following:
1 2 3 4 5 6 mvn install:install-file \ -Dfile=${ORACLE_HOME}/jdbc/lib/ojdbc6.
I’m revisiting how to extract the meta-publishing (AtomPub Collection creation) portions of the first AtomPub Hierarchy Draft into a standalone spec independent of hierarchy considerations. I am contemplating changing the actual process of creating the Collection. I see publishing a new Collection as very akin to publishing an AtomPub Media Resource. An example of the interaction I think makes sense is below: Imagine a new media type: application/atomcoll+xml, contents of the document are an app:collection element per RFC5023.
Myself and Nikunj have revised our I-D for expressing hierarchical relationships in Atom Documents. We’ve reduced the scope of the document to focus on just hierarchical navigation. Meta-Publishing for Atompub Collections has been removed and recommendations on how to discover Atompub Collections have been moved to a new BCP (Best Current Practice) Draft. The link relation names have been changed to better harmonise with existing IANA link registrations.
cdivilly - Apr 4, 2009
See also Nikunj’s explanation of the primary differences between BITSY and some of the alternative approaches for providing offline functionality in the browser: http://o-micron.blogspot.com/2009/04/how-is-bitsy-different-from-html-dojo.html
If you are building an offline capable application, then I would posit that at some level in your client architecture you are going to need a Proxy. On one side of the Proxy will sit your presentation logic, on the other side will sit your business logic. When operating in online mode this Proxy will pass requests on to the remote server, when operating in offline mode the Proxy will redirect requests to some local implementation of business logic that provides a facsimile of the remote server’s behaviour.